NASH Car Wiring Diagrams above the page - Ambassador, Statesman, 600.
Charles Nash - before starting your own business, from 1912 to 1916 was president of the company General Motors bought out Thomas Jeffrey, who in 1897 produced cars in the town of Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Since 1917, Nash produced car bearing his own name, which sold well. After the WW2, the company Nash resumed production model 600, which first appeared in 1942.
It was still quite a modern car with a monocoque body and independent front suspension. Six pistons cylinder engine capacity of 2830 cm3 developed capacity 83 hp. The larger version of the model 600 was the Ambassador, whose magnitude is greater than the wheelbase by 220 mm, and length - 230 mm.
The power unit of the car had a working volume of 3855 cm3 and the 114 hp. The new model with a body of the company Pininfarina appeared in 1949. This car with a body called Airflight streamlined.
The front and rear wheels were partially hidden in the wings, windshield - intact. In addition, the front seats recline to form a double bed. Cars sold like hot cakes, and the company Nash has broken all its records sold in the year 142 592 copies.
In 1950, this figure had risen to 191,865, but, unfortunately, it was the last year when fortune favored us.
In 1950, the Nash introduced compact car. Model Rambler Nash had a length of only 4480 mm, which made it to the 630 mm shorter than the model Statesman, which until then was the smallest car company Nash.
In 1951 he was born the model of Nash-Healey. It was a two-seater sports car developed in England by Healey.
The car body of the first series of Nash is also made in England, but the second series machines have improved a body, which designed and manufactured in Turin, the company Pininfarina. Nash Automobiles different beauty and excellent quality, but sales continued to fall.
When sales in 1954 fell to 62 911, the company Nash has decided to team up with the company Hudson, but things did not go better. The new company was named American Motors Corporation. Large models of Nash and Hudson have not changed, and best-selling - a model Rambler delivered now as the Nash and Hudson.
Rambler model was sold under its own brand since 1956. This year was also marked by the fact that at the AMC was first introduced his own V8 engine, which returned back many former buyers.
Despite this success, the company Hudson and Nash is not able to compete with the big three. Sales continued to fall, and losses increase. The last car left the factory Hudson June 27, 1957. In addition, the demand for down larger Nash model.
In 1957 the company "Nash" was able to sell only 826 cars. It meant the end of a decent company.