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IKCO Iran Khodro Samand Manuals PDF

IKCO Bardo Owner Manual
IKCO Bardo Owner Manual
IKCO Bardo Owner Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.3 MB
IKCO Arisun Pickup Owner Manual
IKCO Arisun Pickup Owner Manual
IKCO Arisun Pickup Owner Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.4 MB
IKCO Dena Owner Manual
IKCO Dena Owner Manual
IKCO Dena Owner Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.9 MB

Samand EL LX TU Service and Electrical Manual
Samand EL LX TU Service and Electrical Manual
Samand EL LX TU Service and Electrical M
Adobe Acrobat Document 24.1 MB
IKCO Pars Owner Manual
IKCO Pars Owner Manual
IKCO Pars Owner Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.7 MB
IKCO Dena + Owner Manual
IKCO Dena + Owner Manual
IKCO Dena + Owner Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.9 MB

Samand Radio & CD Changer Electrical Diagram
Samand Radio & CD Changer Electrical Diagram
Samand radio_i_cd_changer-Electrical.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 134.8 KB
IKCO Runna Owner Manual
IKCO Runna Owner Manual
IKCO Runna Owner Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.4 MB

IKCO H30 Cross Owner Manual
IKCO H30 Cross Owner Manual
IKCO H30 Cross Owner Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.5 MB
IKCO Parts Catalogue Analogs
IKCO Parts Catalogue Analogs
Iran Khodro Samand Parts Catalogue Analo
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB
Samand Electrical EBU
Samand Electrical EBU
Samand Electrical_EBU.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 140.5 KB

IKCO Runna
IKCO Runna

History of Samand Cars

IKCO IRAN KHODRO SAMAND Car Manuals PDF above the page - EL, LX, TU, Bardo, Arisun Pickup, Dena, Dena +, Pars, Runna, H30 Cross.


The car company, known as Ikco Ball founded in Iran in 1962. This firm until 1980 was called Irannational. First Ikco producing cars and buses under the Mercedes-Benz product literature major German companies.


So, in the seventies and eighties Ikco assists older brother Mercedes-Benz, producing minivans. In the nineties, the years rolled off the car, bearing a different name - Peugeot. In 1997 Ikco develops new model Peugeot - passenger cars in 1600 RD, and a year later made 405 Station.


At the beginning of the new century commercial operation introduces a new bus factory, which has estimated capacity - five and a half thousand cars per year. In the same year Ikco gets its new name - now it is called as the Iran Khodro Diesel Company.


Now the company produces Hyundai vans, equipped with air conditioning, as well as vans and Sprinter Benz MB140 model. At the moment, the firm Ikco - the largest auto manufacturer in the Middle East.

Comments: 1
  • #1

    lxbfYeaa (Saturday, 11 January 2025)
