Some DongFeng Car Service Repair Manuals PDF above the page - DFM H30, DFMS30, Rich, E70 (with Fault Codes DTC).
The DongFeng brand - “Wind from the East” or “East Wind”, appeared in May 1958 on the first Chinese production car assembled at “Automobile Plant No. 1” in Changchun.
With the commissioning of “Automobile Plant No. 2” in Shiyan (Hubei Province) at the end of the 1960s, part of the production of Jiefang trucks was transferred from Changchun there.
DongFeng Motor is one of the largest automobile manufacturers in China, engaged in the production of Peugeot, Citroen, Nissan, Kia, Renault cars, as well as the production of cars under its own brands DongFeng, Venucia and others.
Benyam (Saturday, 20 July 2024 20:39)
Hello can you please tell me where I can find Zna rich repair manual (Saturday, 23 March 2024 02:28)
hola, estoy buscando el manual de taller del dfm a30
Oscar Mederos (Friday, 09 February 2024 12:16)
Hello. Your work is very interesting. Do you have a manual for the Dongfeng Nano Box?