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DATSUN Car Manuals PDF & Wiring Diagram

Datsun B210 Factory Service Manual
Datsun B210 Factory Service Manual
Adobe Acrobat Document 40.8 MB
Datsun 1000 1200 A10 A12 Workshop Manual
Datsun 1000 1200 A10 A12 Workshop Manual
Adobe Acrobat Document 14.9 MB
Datsun 410 Series Service Manual
Datsun 410 Series Service Manual
Datsun_410_Series Service_Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 11.1 MB

Datsun 520 Owners Manual
Datsun 520 Owners Manual
Datsun 520 Owners Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.5 MB
Datsun 310 Factory Service Manual
Datsun 310 Factory Service Manual
Adobe Acrobat Document 38.5 MB
Datsun Pick-Up Model 521 Service Manual
Datsun Pick-Up Model 521 Service Manual
Adobe Acrobat Document 9.3 MB

JPG Image 239.6 KB
Datsun 510 Service Manual
Datsun 510 Service Manual
Datsun_510_1969-1973 Service_Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.9 MB

Datsun 610 Series Service Manual
Datsun 610 Series Service Manual
Datsun_180B_Model_610_Series Service Man
Adobe Acrobat Document 26.5 MB
Datsun Truck Model 320 Service Manual
Datsun Truck Model 320 Service Manual
Datsun_Truck_Model_320 Service_Manual.pd
Adobe Acrobat Document 9.6 MB

Datsun Pickup 520
Datsun 110

History of Datsun Cars

DATSUN Car Manuals PDF & Wiring Diagrams above the page - B210, 410, 520, 521 Pick-Up, 1000, 1200, 310.


The Japanese company Datsun was founded in 1911 and was originally called Kwaishinsha Co


In 1914 years later, she released her first model - DAT-GO.


Due to the lack of a consumer car market, the main focus of the company was the production of trucks.


Since 1918, Datsun has been renamed Kwaishinsha Motor Car Co., Ltd., in the same year it begins assembling the first DAT trucks for army needs.


These cars did not have high demand in the military market, so in 1920 the company began to consider opportunities for cooperation with other automakers.


Since 1934, Nissan became the investor of the company, and it is called Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.


In 1958, Datsun cars began to be imported into the United States, and since 1964 - delivered to European countries.


Nissan opened its first production abroad in Taiwan in 1959, and by 1976 the company sold more than 20 million cars.


The Datsun brand lasted until 1986, after which the name of the cars of this brand was gradually replaced by Nissan.


Only in 2012, the owners of the company decided to revive Datsun, which was done in 2013.

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