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ANADOL Car Manual PDF & Wiring Diagrams

Anadol Engine Manual
Anadol Engine Manual
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Anadol Wiring Diagrams
Anadol Wiring Diagrams
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History of Anadol Cars

ANADOL Car Service Manual & Electric Wiring Diagrams PDF are above the page.


The history of the brand Anadol is associated with the name of Vehbi Koc, who at the age of fifteen began his career with a small store. It was he who made a real breakthrough in the automotive industry of Turkey.


Since 1928, Vehbi Koc was in Ankara representative of Ford. In 1959, he founded Otosan Otomobil Sanayii, which represented the interests of the company in Turkey.


In 1964, five years after the failure of the country's government to launch the production of his own car in the series, Koc proposed the development and creation of the first Turkish car.


Today, the Anadol brand is rarely seen on the roads, as the serial production of cars was discontinued in 1991.


However, the history of the Turkish company did not end. In 1997, Ford and Otosan signed a merger agreement.

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    lxbfYeaa (Saturday, 11 January 2025 17:39)
